
  1. Transformation: Art for Equality

    July 6, 2022
    If you know me, follow me on Twitter or Instagram, or visit my NFT profiles on Superrare, Opensea or Foundation, then you have come to see that my artwork is very personal and also serves my broader mission (women’s/human rights). If you don’t know me yet, hi, I’m Roya, and…

  2. World of Women Museum Exhibition

    July 2, 2022
    I couldn’t be more excited right now! I just found out that my artwork “Hope Grows Everywhere” from my Bloom with Grace Collection was selected to be featured in the World of Women Museum in the Metaverse!  I have to be honest, I haven’t spent much time inside VR or…

  3. Inside Roya’s Art: 1nce 2he Saw’t

    June 28, 2022
    Artwork Title: 1nce 2he Saw’t View on Opensea Artwork Description: Into the river of time she gazed, her soul dripping through the sacred mirror inside, every second coming into herself, never to be alone again. Inside This Art: I do not usually describe my artwork to viewers because I believe…

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